With all the massive amount of information your school website needs to convey, it can be difficult to decide exactly what you need to focus on that will resonate with prospective students. Add to this the many voices across all the departments that are asking for the...
The higher education landscape is rapidly changing, with competition getting stronger for a dwindling number of potential students, even before we hit the expected “demographic cliff.” Here are the three parts of your digital marketing strategy to prioritize to reach...
Knowing your audience is the key to crafting messaging that connects. Here are some characteristics of Gen Z along with some implications for your marketing strategy. When you work in admissions, you face many pressures. You likely have a full list of urgent tasks...
There are hundreds of tutorials on how to shoot campus photography, but what about the larger topics of asset management, quality control, or artistic selection? Many marketers struggle with keeping track of their assets on campus with photography and videography. ...
With 2023 right around the corner, humanity cautiously surges forward in a post-pandemic world. COVID-19 forced a higher ed industry that is notoriously slow to adapt to evolving technology to try to catch up to the rest of the world on a moment’s notice. Higher ed...