Almost every college or university depends on the generosity of their alumni and friends to help advance their mission. Unfortunately, many higher ed donation pages can be uninspiring, or worse yet, confusing or intimidating for users. Any kind of negative experience...
What do education marketers and capital campaigns have in common? Find out what education marketers should be doing during these all-important campaigns. Few efforts get as much attention and institutional resources as capital campaigns. They require massive sustained...
Case statements are largely thought of as a fundraising tool, but marketing should be involved in writing them. Here’s why your marketing department should assist in this all-important task. Unfortunately, case statements are rarely spoken of outside the context of an...
It’s here again! Your advancement department is entering the end-of-year fundraising season. Leverage your partnership for better school fundraising with these helpful tips. Education marketers and development officers have collaborated on school fundraising since the...
Capital campaign microsites are critical to any well-designed capital campaign marketing strategy. Here are five pages you should consider for your microsite. Let’s start off by getting on the same page about what a microsite is exactly. A microsite is an...
In last week’s post, we learned that your capital campaign has to have its own marketing plan. Here are 17 bright ideas to raise awareness to consider putting into your plan. 1. Record video interviews with board members. Interviewing board members is the first...