Cultivating a transformational brand is essential for colleges and universities to stand out in today’s increasingly competitive higher education landscape. A strong, transformational brand does more than attract prospective students; it creates a lasting emotional...
Do you know how your institution’s differentiators? Today’s students have an overwhelming number of choices, and they need to know why your institution is the best fit for them. When you can clearly define and communicate your unique qualities, you will stand...
Colleges and universities with massive brand equity get there only over long periods of time and through only one way—intentional branding. That’s because branding in higher education is more than just a logo or a tagline—it’s a long-term strategy that reflects...
Generating ownable brand ideas can spark from unique qualities hidden in plain sight — not taking the little things for granted. What may seem like an odd quirk could set your university apart. Good branding is crucial for higher education institutions because it...
Tapping into the aura of “The Great American Pastime,” we decided to put together a special edition of The Higher Ed Marketer Podcast: our “Fastball Special.” Every one of our guests has brought great value to the table, so picking just a few to represent an...