October 20

30 Questions to Discuss Regarding Your Social Media Strategy


by | Oct 20, 2015 | Branding, social media, Blog, Featured

Quick: Set Up a Meeting to Discuss These Social Media Strategy Questions

Every organization has a need to ponder and think as a group. Brainstorming and processing information together as a team often provides insights that individuals may not be able to generate on their own. The following questions are great for group discussions as part of your marketing or sales/enrollment team to consider in regards to your social media strategy.

Establishing Brand Authority

Social media is more than just a megaphone for sharing regular news about your organization and links to upcoming events. It is a way to establish brand authority on the subject matter that differentiates you from your competition. Understanding this will be the start of establishing a social media strategy that generates results for your organization.

Process the following questions with your team or on your own to establish your goals:

  • What expertise does your organization or an individual within your institution possess?
  • What subject could you build your expertise around?
  • What unique perspective can you offer to that subject?
  • What unique part of your brand personality and offerings could you weave into your social media voice (i.e., helpful, approachable, friendly, resourceful, etc.)?
  • What niche subject matter could fit into your particular brand?
  • What sources of content could you regularly monitor to share?
  • How could you add your personal opinion on the content you share?

Creating a Content Library

As you consider the value of the information you have in your possession and the information you can access on a regular basis, answer the following questions to build a content library to provide to your audiences:

  • Do you have content that might be considered “evergreen” – that is, content that is not bound by time or context, but can apply to any situation regardless of specific information that might become outdated? How can you repurpose that content in various formats and forms?
  • Do you have regular content that can be leveraged in various forms such as a long-form white paper, short infographics, quotes, statistics, or video overviews?
  • What resources and content are accessible that can provide answers to the questions which your audience has specific to your organization’s distinctives and expertise?
  • What questions do your audiences regularly ask about your institution and distinctives?
  • Where could your content come from?
  • What types of content are currently available for repurpose? How could they be edited to provide “evergreen” content for digital channels?
  • What keeps content evergreen?
  • How might the most popular page on your website be segmented and repurposed for other content outlets? 
  • How could that information be presented in various forms? How would you use it as a photo or a video? What would it look like as an infographic?
  • Consider the audiences for which you produce content. How do they consume other types of content (i.e. how would a 17 year-old find information about a new popular band or video game?) 
  • What types of content do they prefer to consume? (i.e. video, graphics, text)
  • What formats do you currently utilize? What are most popular?
  • Are certain audiences drawn to different formats utilized by your institution?
  • How can you combine and segment content to be leveraged in various formats, yet still remain ultimately the same content?

Establishing a Cadence

Every aspect of your social media strategy should have a plan. That includes how you will ultimately manage and execute a regular rhythm of posting to your social media channels. Consider these questions as you establish that plan:

If there are questions above you are unable (or unsure of how) to answer, don’t hesitate to reach out. At Caylor Solutions, we offer training, consulting, and planning for your social media strategy and all other aspects of education marketing.

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