September 1

Is Your Digital Content Working for You?


Scannable & Simple Digital Content

Search-Driven Culture

Content is more than words on a page. Digital content is the new frontier of marketing.

Over the past few years, Google has dramatically introduced a new algorithm to their search tool. These changes ultimately changed the search engine marketing landscape. Long practiced techniques of keyword usage and link backing were now sometimes penalized. The new Google was all about content and the relevance it had in context to your site as whole. Not only was it just about the content, but its freshness and how it was being utilized across the social network realm.

The days of copying the brochure and putting it on the website are over. Your content has to be relevant to the user, written for the web, and able to engage quickly. The majority of your site visitors will not come through the home page, but will discover content through search engines or other means. That means every page has the potential to be the first page with which visitors engage.

Answer the Questions

Both online and off, users come seeking answers to their questions. Recent studies have shown that a visitor to a web page will decide within seconds whether the page has what they are seeking. If they believe it contains the answer they seek, engagement will average 1.5 minutes as they consume the content.

Be sure that your content quickly answers their most pressing questions and provides means for brand engagement that will bring them back for more.

More than Words

Digital content is more than words or text. It includes rich media, animation, video, imagery, infographics, etc. Here are samples to consider:

  • Ebook/Gated Content for Conversions
  • Brandzine/Emagazine (delivered for tablet/mobile)
  • Brochures with Animation/Video
  • Social Media Curating/Original
  • Article Posting / Blogging
  • In-Person Events (periscope, other)
  • eNewsletters
  • Case Studies
  • White Papers
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts
  • Presentations/Slideshare
  • Webinars/Webcasts
  • Videos
  • Traditional Media
  • Microsites
  • Reports

Seek and Find

When writing content and developing the rich media, consider organizing your writing:

  • Leverage lists and bullets.
  • Have best practices such as search in the right corner and contact information (i.e. phone) in prominent locations on each page.
  • Short, simple paragraphs that are succinct and deliver the message.
  • Best practices for search engine marketing to assure that your granular information is found.
  • Scannable content with headlines and subheadings.

Simple Navigation

Be sure that the organization and labeling of content is with the user in mind. While your institution may organize departments by school or college, the end user may not be familiar with that structure. Keep it simple for them to understand the majors you offer and find the terms they are seeking. Also consider the logical organization of content that is clean and concise.

Need help with your content strategy? Feel free to contact us. 

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Featured image by xresch via Pixabay

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