While there are many marketing strategies you could have in your marketing plan, there are at least seven that I consider essential for higher ed marketing success. Depending on how you categorize things, there are as many marketing strategies available to you as you...
Have you heard of being audience-centric? If not, it’s time to talk about audience-centric enrollment marketing so you know how much of this growing philosophy to integrate into your marketing. Lately, I’ve been reading about a growing conversation around...
Your campaigns are humming along, and you need more from your budget. Before asking for more money, ask yourself if the problem might be in your marketing plan. Education marketing takes money. Everyone agrees on the need for a sufficient budget. So why is going to...
You’ve heard it before. Failing to plan is planning to fail. But not all education marketing plans are equal. The quality of your plan will determine the quality of your success. Sometimes institutional leaders view marketing as if it were gambling: You pay the money....
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