June 4

06/04/21 Roundup: This Week’s Best Higher Ed Marketing Content


Friday afternoons are a great time to take a look at the best content from the week. Here’s a look at the top higher education marketing content from the Web and from the team here at Caylor Solutions.

From the greater World Wide Web of information:

How to Succeed as a School Admissions Team of One from Digistorm Ed. One of the first lines of this post sums up the challenges faced by small admissions teams: “No matter how big (or small) their schools might be, their stories share a common theme: they wear many hats, are often under-resourced, and struggle to build relationships with prospective families while trying to balance administrative ‘busywork.’”  Read these five pieces of advice for an admissions team of one.

Higher Education Increasingly Nuanced AI-Powered Chatbots from Ed Tech. It’s likely your college, university or independent K12 school has implemented chatbots. This article from Ed Tech gives some solid advice on how to use them effectively in higher ed.

The UX Factor: Understanding the Value of UX Design in Education Websites from Higher Education Marketing. Your higher ed website is your number one social media tool, and user experience (UX) plays a huge role in its success. Learn some tips on how to improve your design and about the relationship of UX and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

Content produced by the team at Caylor Solutions this week includes:

From the Caylor Solutions blog, Q & A: 8 Social Media Advertising Tips for Higher Ed in 2021. Best practices in social media advertising and marketing can change fast. These platforms are constantly evolving, as are attitudes about them. It seems like what’s “in” and what’s “out” fluctuates daily as networks rise and fall in popularity. So where are we now, in the middle of 2021? We explore 8 tips from the 2021 Social Marketing Trends Report from Social Media Examiner.

From the Higher Ed Marketer Podcast, Why You Should Be Outcom-Oriented in Community College Marketing. In this episode, we talk with Jeffrey Fanter, VP Marketing & Communications at Ivy Tech Community College, who explains why community colleges should establish that they are not just launching pads for an education, but also launching pads for a career as well.

Video: How to work with Marketing Stakeholders. No education marketer is an island unto themselves. In this video, we explore how to improve collaboration among marketing stakeholders to improve campaign results.

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, #Hashtags: Your Social Media Secret Weapon

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, Writing for the Web: 7 Secrets to Content Marketing Success for Education Marketers

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, Marketing on a Shoestring Budget.

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, 25 Ideas for Great Admissions Content.

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3/4/22 Roundup: This Week’s Best Higher Ed Marketing Content

Happy Friday from the team at Caylor Solutions. This week’s content roundup provides a one-stop shop for the top higher education marketing content of the week from across the Web and from our team here at Caylor. From the greater World Wide Web: Email Marketing...