December 3

12/3/21 Roundup: This Week’s Best Higher Ed Marketing Content


by | Dec 3, 2021 | Content Roundup

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s roundup of the best higher education marketing content from the Web and from our team at Caylor Solutions.

From the greater World Wide Web:

What Brands Need to Know About Misinformation and Disinformation from Convince and Convert. This is excellent advice and insight from the folks at Convince and Convert. It’s likely you’ve already been part of a misinformation campaign. But, what happens when someone launches a disinformation campaign against you? Here’s what you need to know.

How To Make Content a More Effective Part of Your Sales Funnel from Content Marketing Institute. Be sure to match your content marketing to your value proposition. What problem are you solving for students and parents? Or even your alumni and friends of the university? Take a look at more suggestions here to make your content more effective in moving prospects through the funnel.

TikTok Growth and How Marketers Are Responding from Social Media Examiner. It now has 1 billion monthly active users (according to TikTok). Why is it so popular among Gen Z, and how are marketers best using it – and, find out why some marketers are hesitant to jump on board. Good stuff here from Social Media Examiner.

How to Use YouTube Creator Studio to Grow your Channel via Hootsuite. As your college or university grows its YouTube presence, here’s how to use the Creator Studio to increase following and engagement.

13 LinkedIn Marketing Tips for More Visibility from Social Media Examiner. It will probably come as no surprise to you that I am a fan of LinkedIn. From using hashtags, to collaborating with thought leaders, to asking colleagues to share content, here are ways to increase your engagement on LinkedIn.

3 Tactics to Improve CTAs for Increased Relevance and Conversions from Search Engine Land. Is your higher ed website using the best CTAs on its landing pages? It’s time to think through which ones work best for optimization and encourage more engagement from your prospective students, families, donors, and friends of the university.

How to Amplify Your Podcast (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Ideas) from Content Marketing Institute. We’ve been doing The Higher Ed Marketer podcast for awhile now, and I continue to learn more each day about how to make it better. The folks at the Content Marketing Institute highlight excellent ideas here for the beginner, intermediate and advanced podcasters.

Content produced by the team at Caylor Solutions this week includes:

From the Caylor Solutions blog, 3 Ways Internal Marketing Can Fuel Your Higher Ed Campaigns. As a higher ed marketer, you’re laser-focused on getting your message out. But are you impacting the reality inside the institution? That’s what internal marketing is all about.

From the Higher Ed Marketer podcast, Mission-Fit Students: Graduate & Seminary Enrollment Marketing with Kevin Bish of Asbury Theological Seminary. In this episode we discuss Asbury’s approach for identifying mission-fit grad students, helping potential students find their mission statements, and more. 

Video: Rethinking Education Marketing Amid the Great Resignation. Higher education marketers should be paying attention to what is happening with the “Great Resignation.” Learn more about what’s driving it, how higher ed marketers are responding, and what you can do in your own education marketing.

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, Guide to Planning an Education Website Redesign

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, #Hashtags: Your Social Media Secret Weapon

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, Writing for the Web: 7 Secrets to Content Marketing Success for Education Marketers

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, Marketing on a Shoestring Budget.

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, 25 Ideas for Great Admissions Content.

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