December 17

12/16/21 Roundup: This Week’s Best Higher Ed Marketing Content


by | Dec 17, 2021 | Content Roundup

Welcome to your one-stop shop for the top higher education marketing content of the week.

From the greater World Wide Web:

3 Tactics to Improve CTAs for increased relevance and conversions from Search Engine Land. Is your higher ed website using the best CTAs on its landing pages? It’s time to think through which ones work best for optimization and encourage more engagement from your prospective students, families, donors, and friends of the university.

8 Tips on How to Create Your YouTube Marketing Strategy and Grow Your YouTube Channel from Business to Community. YouTube has approximately 122 million active users each day. How do you find your prospective students, their families, alumni and friends amidst all of those users? The folks at Business2Community put together eight tips to help hone in our YouTube marketing strategies and grow traffic.

Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Remarketing from Hubspot.  “Also known as remarketing ads, LinkedIn retargeting ads allow you to reach LinkedIn users who may have previously interacted with your brand in some way (so they have some level of interest), yet they haven’t purchased from you.” Consider using LinkedIn retargeting in your higher ed marketing strategy.

Creative Ways to Showcase the Benefits of Online Learning at Your School from Higher Education Marketing Solutions. How is your college or university talking about the benefits of online learning? While many campuses have returned to in-person classes, there are still some strong benefits of online education. From cost savings for students, to flexible class schedules to networking opportunities, your school has a lot to offer via online learning. Are you telling that story?

5 Key Themes Shaping the Future of Marketing from MarTech. Crypto technology, blockchain, and the metaverse are all subject matters we’ve been discussing here at Caylor Solutions and with our clients. And, these aren’t just buzz words. They’re the way forward in marketing.

Content produced by the team at Caylor Solutions this week includes:

From the Caylor Solutions blog, AR and VR Technology is the Next Wave in Enrollment Marketing. You might be on the fence about the Metaverse, but AR and VR technology will be the next big thing in enrollment marketing. There’s no doubt it’s coming. Here’s why.

From the Higher Ed Marketer podcast, Big Data (& How Higher Ed Marketers Can Use It). There are thousands of marketers across a variety of industries that are leveraging big data to promote products and services, almost in real-time. But in higher ed marketing circles, many marketers are still wary of it. In many cases, a knowledge gap exists—they simply don’t know how it works. They have questions ranging from how big data is collected to the legalities and ethics surrounding it. This week we spoke with Roosevelt Smith, CEO/Executive Chairman at

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, Guide to Planning an Education Website Redesign

Caylor Solutions eBook

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, #Hashtags: Your Social Media Secret Weapon

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, Writing for the Web: 7 Secrets to Content Marketing Success for Education Marketers

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, Marketing on a Shoestring Budget.

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Fill out the following form to get instant access to our ebook, 25 Ideas for Great Admissions Content.

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