Your one-stop shop for the top higher education marketing content of the week.
From the greater World Wide Web:
9 Content Marketing Tools for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses from Campaign Monitor. I know several of you are one-person departments trying to wear many hats. So, having tools (many of them free) that help with content marketing may come in handy. From Canva to CoSchedule, these will save you time and effort.
Optimize Your Social Media for More Traffic and Engagement from Problogger. We all invest a lot of time and energy in generating high-quality content for our target audiences. So, how do we drive more traffic to our blog and our social media posts? From what time you post, to what types of content you post, to knowing which social channels your audience uses are all areas of focus to maximize engagement.
What Causes High Bounce Rates in 2021 – and How to Fix It from Unbounce. Creating a beautiful landing page is one thing. Getting people to convert to action from it is another. This article covers three reasons for high bounce rates and solutions.
YouTube Optimization 101: From Zero to Hero in No Time from Jeff Bullas. You spend a lot of time coming up with a YouTube content strategy, creating that content and posting it. Then…no one engages. Why is that? If you want some tips on YouTube optimization and SEO, read on.
How to Write Better Landing Page Copy in 2021 (with Tips) from Unbounce. Successful conversion from a landing page depends heavily on quality of content. While design also matters, this post points out that content makes a bigger impact on the user. If you’re working on creating landing pages now or want to improve your existing landing pages, check out these methods.
How to Write Email Newsletters that People Actually Want to Read from Hubspot. How many times do you open an email newsletter versus just skipping past it? My guess is more often than not. So, how do we get our email newsletters read by our prospective families, alumni, and friends?
How to NOT Break the Law in Marketing: Copyrights, CAN-SPAM, Fair Use from Neil Patel. I would say I post about marketing law or regulations once or twice per month. As higher ed marketers, it is critical we stay on top of things like copyrights, fair use, CAN-SPAM and more. The bottom line? Be honest and straightforward in your marketing. Then, there’s nothing to worry about! It’s still smart to stay informed.
Read It & Reap: 10 Top New Marketing Books to Savor on #NationalBookLoversDay. Wondering if you guys have read any of these top 10 marketing books recommended by Top Rank Marketing? Today is #NationalBookLoversDay. Tell me in the comments what your favorite marketing book of all time is.
Content produced by the team at Caylor Solutions this week includes:
From the Caylor Solutions blog, How to Create a Strong Unique Selling Proposition for Your School. Successful education marketing is about enrollment, but it’s not complete without a fundraising component. Here are 10 projects where enrollment and advancement marketing can meet.
From the Higher Ed Marketer podcast, The 5 Steps of Storytelling at Notre Dame with Jim Small. The art of crafting a story that creates a desire to do something is more straightforward than you’d think. Our guest today uses a five-step process, and you can, too.
In this episode, we interview Jim Small, Associate Vice President for Development — Executive Director, Storytelling & Engagement Team at Notre Dame, about how he has pioneered storytelling to grow the university’s engagement.
Video: 10 Key Projects for Advancement Marketing. Successful education marketing is about enrollment, but it’s not complete without a fundraising component. Here are 10 projects where enrollment and advancement marketing can meet.