As we round out this week, let’s take a closer look at some of the top higher ed marketing content from around the web and our very own team.
From the greater World Wide Web of information:
7 Ways to Repurpose Content and Grow Your Customer Base from Content Marketing Institute. Content generation takes a lot of time and energy. Learning how to repurpose your already great content can help reach a wider audience. Learn more from the Content Marketing Institute.
Extend Your Recruitment Reach this Summer from EnrollmentFUEL. From summer camps, to traveling worship teams, to coaches, and more – there are many ways to extend your reach over the summer months.
7 Higher Education Content Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them from Higher Education Marketing. We know that content marketing works and is vital to your higher ed marketing success. But, be careful not to assume what type of content your prospective students and their families will like. This article highlights six more common content marketing mistakes to avoid.
3 Enrollment Practices to Support Prospective Students from Recruitment to Yield from Credo Higher Ed. This article points higher ed marketers to examine their recruiting plan and how adaptive it’s been during COVID and post-pandemic.
What High School Juniors Think About Their College Search from Inside Higher Ed. What are juniors thinking about college? Check out this article from Inside Higher Ed.
Content produced by the team at Caylor Solutions this week includes:
From the Caylor Solutions blog, 5 Ways to Take Advantage of 5G Mobile Marketing. What is 5G, and what does it mean for higher ed marketers? Here are five ways to consider leaning into the 5G revolution to enhance the effectiveness of your mobile marketing strategy.
From the Higher Ed Marketer Podcast, Campus Campaigns that Work: How to Include Donor Stories in Your Marketing. In this week’s episode, we chat with Colleen Garland, Vice President for Advancement at Kenyon College and Janet Marsden, Vice President for Communications at Kenyon College, about how Kenyon shifted their campus experience marketing campaign to prospective students and prospective donors during the pandemic. We cover things like how they manage donor relationships, how they adapted their campaign to COVID, how they produced videos without an internal team, and more.
Video: It’s been well over a year since COVID-19 crash landed in our lives. Now, with vaccine dissemination on the rise, enrollment marketers are beginning to consider the post-pandemic future. What should we be doing to communicate better with prospects and their families?